Learn about Anubis and discover some ways this ancient deity can remain relevant in modern life through symbol and analogy. Ancient Egyptian text states that Anubis silently walked through the shadows of life and death, lurking in the dark places. It was he who deemed the deceased worthy, or not, to cross into rebirth; resurrection, enter a heavenly place. Anubis was the guardian of the dead, who greeted the souls in the Underworld, protecting them on their journey. He was watchful by day as well as by night.

Anubis is the Greek name for the jackal-headed God of the Dead. In ancient Egyptian mythology his hieroglyphic name is more accurately spelled Anpu (also Anupu, Anbu, Wip, Ienpw, Inepu, Yinepu, Inpu, or Inpw). He's nearly always depicted as a man with the black or very dark blue head of a jackal. Sometimes Anubis is depicted in the full form of the jackal animal, especially in hieroglyphic writing; However, at the Temple of Ramses II in Abydos he is shown in the rare form of total human, devoid of any animal characteristics.

No public procession in Egypt would be conducted without a figure of Anubis to march at the head, as the "go-between" of gods and men. The ancient Egyptians swore "by the Dog" when making oaths they would not break. When pet dogs died they were mummified and buried in temples dedicated to Anubis. The reason for Anubis' canine form likely stems from behavior the ancient Egyptians themselves observed; dogs and jackals often haunted the edges of the desert, especially near the cemeteries where the dead were buried. One of the reasons such care was taken to preserve the dead with sweet smelling herbs was the belief that Anubis would check each person with his keen canine nose, and only if they smelled pure would he allow them to enter the Kingdom of the Dead.
It was thought that Anubis invented the process of making mummies, so he became the overseer of embalming and mummification, as well as escorting the deceased through the

Anubis was also a warrior god, opening the way to victory for pharaoh. Modern Pagans and witches may find it helpful to call upon this aspect of the God when seeking to win legal battles, clear a path through difficult situations, or even to overcome personal difficulties. In His many forms, and indeed through many types of media, the energy of Anubis remains an active part of modern life in many countries today.
Anubis Resources...
- See "Categories" at the right side for Spiritkeepers Anubis Stones past and present
- The Book of the Dead, by Sir E. A. Wallis Budge,
Download ebook for free from Project Gutenberg Literary Archive http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/7145 - Print and color an image of Anubis yourself at http://www.edupics.com/en-coloring-pictures-pages-photo-anubis-i12444.html
- Another coloring page http://www.coloring.ws/t.asp?b=m&t=http://www.coloring.ws/egypt/egypt5.gif
- Anubis and other deities free to use, print and color
http://karenswhimsy.com/egyptian-gods-goddesses.shtm - Information http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anubis
- http://www.theequinest.com/anubis/
Painted stone art work images, unless otherwise credited, copyright Tree Pruitt. Totem animal text information may not be used for profit.

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