Hand painted realistic wildlife details!

The new Emperor Penguin Family Group is a set of 5 painted rocks; four beach pebble (jasper, agate, basalt) birds rest upright for display in natural grooves in the flat silica background stone. The baby Penguin is the world's smallest Spiritkeepers Stone to date at only 1/2" long by 1/4" wide! The largest bird in set is 1" by 2/4" and they are fun to play with because the scene can be changed! The set is a true unique creation of 3-D art. Each piece is individually signed with the Spiritkeepers sigil and numbered.

The shapes of the tiny pebbles inspired this set. I'd collected an interesting group of flat little stones, and had them together for quite some time. One day they caught my eye as a "family" and should stay together; hence the first Spiritkeepers set of any kind. I'd been saving the flat background rock for a long time. I thought of it right away as a perfect setting for the birds to rest upon. The scratched up surface the stone had to begin with reminded me of the way penguins will scratch out a walking path. It's a lot of fun playing with the pebbles, moving and changing the scene, and I think the set would be great stress relief at the office desk; certainly a unique conversation piece, and a perfect way to keep the spirit of a personal totem animal with you in the real world!
Visit my home site, Realm of the Mystic Griffin, to read original totem animal meaning for Emperor Penguin.
Slide on over to my Curio Castle Etsy store to see different photos and purchase this set at this time.
*Curio Castle Shoppe http://www.curiocastle.etsy.com/
All art work images, unless otherwise credited, copyright Tree Pruitt. Text information may not be used for profit. Information about hand painted Spiritkeepers ™ stones & shells by WWAO artist, Tree Pruitt.

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