Great links of interest
*Tim Sheppard’s Storytelling Resources for Storytellers http://www.timsheppard.co.uk/story/index.html
*A traditional tale from Peru, "The Fox and the Mole," from Latin American Tales, by Genevieve Barlow http://www.globaled.org/globalLiteracy/handouts/glHandout23A.html
*More about storytellers http://www.towson.edu/csme/mctp/StudentProjects/Storytellers/TitlePage.html
*Shop for Spiritkeepers http://www.mysticgriffin.com/
This rock had been a member of my studio space for a few years before I painted the Peruvian Storyteller design on it. A great friend had taken me to a river in Washington State to explore for the day. That's where I gathered the stone.
We had a wonderful time splashing around in the cold mountain water. It was salmon run season so we stayed close to shore; Some of those fish are nearly as big as myself and powerfully strong, so I had plenty of incentive to stay clear. At one point, I was standing in the water remembering all of the stories I'd read of magic fish raising up out of the waters surface to speak or even grant wishes, (wishes from fishes)! My imagination played with the idea of being a character in one of those stories. As I thought of the fish, a large shape to my left suddenly rushed at me! I squealed and ran for the shore as if in a Jaws movie. I thought one of those big salmon was coming to get me, so I ran for my life! I lost my footing on the rocks and went face first into the cold water! My friend was laughing at my "green horn" behavior and literally smacking his knee. You see, the sun had peeked out just enough to cast a cloud reflection in the water. The shape that came at me was a cloud reflecting in the rippling water! Of course I felt a fool, but I had to laugh too.

My experience with this spiritual energy is somewhat akin to Remote Viewing, I think. As I tap into the energy of the stone, we exchange waves and I get impressions or mental images. I'm fully open to the concept that this process is simply my active imagination alone, but through my own experiments I'm satisfied that I am communicating with the stone or object in most cases. Now, this particular stone told me that it was very old and had journeyed far. Once it had been a giant boulder high up in the mist covered mountain. It had slowly begun to shift its location on the mountain. Boulders and stones do this by altering the energy waves and weakening the soil structure around them. It doesn't damage or effect the health of the soil, but simply changes the energy waves like giving a wiggle. Tiny wiggles eventually create a full move. It doesn't matter to most large rocks how quickly the move occurs; time is a different matter to stone. Some smaller stones might have care about time if they've been assigned a spiritual job to do. They may need to find the person they are supposed to work for; that's where someone like me enters the picture. I am a helper to the stone, and because I try to discern what it is they might like to do they reach out to me.
So this particular stone had been worn down from the move down the river. By the time it reach the place where I had found it there was not more than a handful of the original boulder left. The slightly triangle shaped rock was more of a storyteller than most other stones. I knew this stone had even more to tell. It has sat in my collection for some time now. I became sure that it was a storytelling stone so then decided upon the Native Peruvian storyteller woman as a motif. The feeling of someone calling is out there. Someone is in need of the gifts this stone has to offer. Is it you?