Tiny lines of hand painted brush strokes add dimension to this Egyptian hieroglyph like Anubis Spiritkeepers Stone by Tree Pruitt. In the style of a bust, the God is depicted on this pebble in profile wearing a golden colored neck piece. He seems to wear a slight smile too because this is not a frightening God of death but rather a guide to greet the spiritual traveler on the journey into passing. The design is unique to this stone because it was drawn freehand, inspired by the shape of the stone itself.
To learn
about Anubis please visit this blogs post on the subject.

This stone is numbered as sk068, so please use that reference number if inquiring. It is sized at 30 mm x 24 mm x 8 mm thick, perfect for a desktop, pocket, or pouch. Each Spiritkeepers is unique, individually numbered, and signed with the sigil logo. No fillers or cutting is ever used on stones. The reverse side shows the sigil and number. This piece is intended for indoor display, though coated with a durable clear varnish.
Blue Anubis Pebble Spiritkeepers Stone #sk068
30 mm x 24 mm x 8 mm
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*unless otherwise credited, copyright Tree Pruitt.