I found this large naturally holed stone while camping with my family in Southern Ohio. For anyone interested in the specific fossil record information I'm sure I can supply a reasonable account of location and layer, but this is intended as a piece of artwork rather than a fossil specimen offering. For the spiritual account, know that the energies were quite high when this rock was gathered! A huge summer electric storm system was providing a wondrous light show -- from a safe distance -- a meteor shower graced a lovely view, and loving family bonds were strengthened through sharing.
When I was asked to attend the camping trip I had that familiar feeling of "Spirit" calling me to work, so to say. I knew it was to be more than just a get away. I enjoyed my time with my loved ones, I learned many things metaphysically and personally, and came back with several future Spiritkeeper stones. Family bonding was the main focus of the camping trip, so I feel the wolf on this stone, as a symbol of the power of family -- of the pack -- is a perfect balance of spiritual energies. Fossils connect us to the oceans of the past and can aide psychic ability, intuition, and the creative drive. Those energy influences will seep from the fossils, in a positive way of course, without the owner needing to do a thing. I hope this wolf Spiritkeeper will not only be a loved piece of art for someone but will become a home for Spirit to dwell with happiness.
All art work images, unless otherwise credited, copyright Tree Pruitt. Text information may not be used for profit or personal gain. Metaphysical suggestions are intended as entertainment only -- I/we make no claims as to the ability of the action of stones, spells or advise.
Information about hand painted Spiritkeepers ™ stones & shells by Tree Pruitt.